International Student LLC

NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Student LLC program is temporarily suspended. We hope to see it reinstated in the near future. 

University Housing Services has partnered with CSUDH International Student Services to develop the International Living Learning Community, a multicultural learning community geared toward providing our international students with the best CSUDH Student Experience. The International LLC strives to create an environment where informal interactions between residents, staff, and faculty are encouraged.

Program Goals

The International LLC's goal is to bring learning to a more personal level and to reach beyond the scope of the classrooms. They provide a high-quality residential program intended that enhances the interactions and multicultural experiences of international and domestic students.

International students are paired with domestic student roommates to share cultural experiences as a student household. We provide a pathway for our international students to transition into our university community and Southern California culture, through programs, social, and educational events and community bounding. In doing so, we hope to encourage our domestic students to widen the scope of their high education and encourage their participation in International Student Service activities, organizations, and Study Abroad programs.

If you have any questions regarding the International Student LLC, please contact Paola Carbajal Kerr at

Domestic Students

Are you interested in Study Abroad? Looking for a unique housing opportunity? Want to experience new friendships?

The International Student Living Learning Community might be the place for you!

The international Student LLC provides a wonderful opportunity for domestic students to build networks and friendships with international students. If you are interested in this Living Learning Community, please apply at the link below.

International Student Living Learning Community Application

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